Tag Archives: Old woman

Did I Mention That I’m 84 Years Old?

2 Feb

My name is Olivia Hawks, and I am 84 years old.


Today after my daily afternoon nap, I found myself doing something unforgivable.  I was…knitting.  But not just knitting, I was knitting while watching Golden Girls, and laughing – OUT LOUD, while my roommate TOTALLY judged me – but I love those girls!  Oh Lawd, do I love that show or what!  Oprah came on, loves it!, and an hour later I found myself watching The Beverly Hillbillies – my recent obsession.  I actually look forward to seeing Granny get all worked up.  Ten inches of scarf later, I decided to get up and get ready for a night out, however, I got distracted by The Andy Griffith Show.  Opie was struggling in school, I’ve seen the episode before – my Dad’s got the DVD’s – but I had to see how it ended.

I am from another era.  I hear that all the time.  Unfortunately – it’s true.